Mutable Algebraic Data Types, the Right Way

This is a rant, born out of years of frustration that so many programming languages either do not support user-defined algebraic data types (ADTs) at all, or support them poorly, in a way that forces the implementation to be inefficient. It assumes some familiarity with ADTs and C. I know that efficiency, and indeed data structures, do not have the importance they had for programmers in the 1970's, when I began my career as a computer scientist, but I hope I'm not alone in caring about them when it comes to programming language design. The ways ADT values are constructed and examined can and should eliminate many potential programmer errors - this is one of their strengths. For example, ADTs can prevent access to the data in the root of a binary search tree without first ensuring the tree is not empty, eliminating the possibility of dereferencing a NULL pointer. Probably even more important is their expressive power. For example, an ADT can represent either a "normal" value or an error description, forcing code to check for errors before accessing the value returned from a function (trust me, errors are not actually abnormal; at my age they are not even uncommon). I remember being amazed and excited studying mathematics when I first saw the formula for finding roots of a quadratic equation. Later I wrote corresponding code (in FORTRAN) which, quite predictably, was ugly and buggy. To write elegant, correct code to solve this problem it is important to first note there are four possibilities (two roots, one root, no roots or everything is a root), then decide how these possibilities are to be represented. ADTs provide a natural solution. With less expressive data types there are more opportunities for bugs. ADTs are also often used with implicit dynamic memory allocation and garbage collection, eliminating further classes of errors.

Some more modern languages avoid NULL pointer dereferencing by having "optional" values, which are a special case of ADTs, but there is no general ADT support. Others support user-defined ADTs but they are verbose, inelegant, expose too much of the (sometimes awfully inefficient) implementation and allow classes of errors that good ADT support can avoid. Reading about such languages causes me to grit my teeth and emit involuntary "old man" noises. I know it takes substantial work to design and implement a programming language (I've done it a few times) and to make it usable and stable enough to support a significant user base is a huge effort. Far too much effort has gone into developing programming languages while missing opportunities for good ADT support.

Functional programming languages have supported concise and elegant definition of ADTs and used efficient representations of values for close to fifty years, though with mutability (destructive update) severely restricted. My contention is that the "right" way to support mutable algebraic data types is to allow mutability of just the arguments of data constructors. For example we may have a trie-like type (a binary tree with data only in the leaves) with two data constructors: trie_node(left, right) for internal nodes and trie_leaf(data) for leaf nodes. A programming language should support changing the data in a leaf node and changing the left and right subtrees in an internal node but it should not support the in-situ changing of a leaf node to an internal node or vice versa.

Algebraic Data Type basics

An ADT is defined by a set of data constructors, each with a fixed number of arguments of fixed types. Each value of the type is one of these data constructors with arguments of the defined types. Testing which principal data constructor a value has and extracting the argument values is typically combined, using some form of pattern matching. For example, if binary search trees are defined as either tree_empty or tree_node(left, data, right), the data in the root can only be accessed via successful matching with a tree_node pattern. ADT values are typically constructed by applying a data constructor to arguments. For example tree_node(l,x,r) will construct a tree with data x at the root and subtrees l and r. Allocating memory, initializing it appropriately and using pointers in the representation are all implicit.

There can be sharing of representations of different ADT values (for example, the tree above will share the representation of the sub-trees l and r rather than copy them) so updating one ADT variable may also update other variables. This poses a challenge for languages that strive for a simple semantics (as most functional programming languages do). Destructive update can also be problematic if the type system is polymorphic, allowing "types" such as list of t, where t is a type variable that can be instantiated to any type, and polymorphic/generic code that can be used for lists with any type for the elements. Polymorphism is a very common and useful feature of languages with ADT support but we do not discuss it in detail here. Despite these challenges, destructive update of shared data structures is very useful and many important algorithms rely on it. Mutable ADTs require a well-defined memory model so it is clear what sharing exists, what variables will be changed if a data structure is updated and when the memory may be reclaimed.

Efficient Implementation

Functional programming languages typically represent ADT values using "tagged pointers" to a block of memory containing the data constructor arguments (there are many variations to the details). Bits in the pointer that are normally unused can encode data constructors that have arguments (for example, least significant bits can be used for a tag if there is byte addressing but word alignment of data). If there are not enough unused bits to encode all such data constructors, some are represented with an extra "secondary tag" that can be stored with the arguments. Data constructors with no arguments are represented by other values that cannot be valid pointers. For example, an empty binary search tree can be represented as zero (NULL) and a non-empty tree represented as (non-NULL) pointer to a block of three words - exactly the same representation that would normally be used in C with pointers to structs. For tries, a leaf node can be represented as a pointer to a single word of data and an internal node represented as a pointer to a block containing the left and right subtrees, where the least significant bit of the pointer is one - this is more efficient than can be done in portable C code.

Inefficient Orthodox Implementation

There is a portable general scheme for implementing ADTs in languages such as C. The arguments of a data constructor can be implemented by a struct. Arguments of one of several different structs can be implemented as a union of structs. A small integer tag can be used to represent the data constructor itself, thus an ADT value can be represented as a pointer to a dynamically allocated struct containing a tag and a union of structs. Though this scheme works, it is cumbersome, uses unsafe features (unions and pointers) and allows many programmer errors that are impossible in languages with good ADT support.

Furthermore, with this scheme the space used by every data constructor is the size of the tag plus the maximum size needed for the arguments of any data constructor (we will ignore any additional overheads associated with dynamic memory allocation). An empty tree will typically be represented as a pointer to a dynamically allocated block of four words (enough space to fit a tag and the arguments of a tree_node). A tree with N nodes (and N+1 empty trees) requires 8N+4 words for storage whereas the efficient representation requires only 3N words. If the programming language allows an occurrence of one data constructor to be destructively updated to another this inefficient representation can't be avoided.

Sadly, this inefficient representation is often chosen and the way ADTs are supported in the language exposes the representation so it cannot be changed to an efficient representation. For example, if the language exposes the fact that ADTs are represented as pointers, it immediately begs the question "pointers to what?" and naturally leads to mutability of what is pointed to. If the language makes ADTs more opaque (for example, having application of data constructors to construct values and pattern matching to deconstruct values as essentially the only operations) there is greater flexibility in how ADTs are implemented, and generally less opportunity for programmers to make errors.

Mutability in functional programming languages

Functional programming languages generally encourage writing "pure" functions that behave as functions in the mathematical sense - they just take some inputs and return a result; nothing else. In pure code there are fewer dependencies between different parts of the code and reasoning about correctness is much simpler. Mutability conflicts with purity: a function is not pure if it destructively updates an argument that is passed in (which may also share representation with variables that appear elsewhere). As mentioned earlier, it also causes potential problems with polymorphic types. Allowing mutability without destroying all guarantees of purity is very challenging. Typically, functional programming languages do not allow ADTs values to be updated except for a special type with a data constructor called ref (short for reference) whose single argument can be updated. The type has no other data constructors so a ref can be implemented as a pointer with no tag (note that a ref cannot be NULL so it is always safe to dereference it). Most code can operate on types that containing no refs and is therefore guaranteed to be pure. Code that uses refs (that may be updated in any function they are passed to) is potentially impure and is more difficult to reason about (in Haskell, refs are restricted to certain "monads", making the code pure in a technical sense, though no easier to reason about).

Only allowing update of refs means that an extra layer of indirection is needed for mutable data structures. If we want a list of integers where the elements can be updated, we need to use a list of pointers to (that is, refs of) integers instead, decreasing efficiency and using a different type that is incompatible with (immutable) lists of integers. Similarly, if we want to be able to update the tail of the list another list type is required that uses pointers to pointers to list cells. If we want mutability of both elements and the list tail a fourth type is required. Thus although functional programming languages provide efficient implementations of ADTs, their implementation of mutable ADTs is typically cumbersome and inefficient. Flexibility and efficiency are sacrificed so some guarantees of purity can be made.

Achieving efficiency, safety and flexibility

It is possible to achieve both the efficient representation used by functional programming languages and flexible mutability by allowing update of all data constructor arguments. Data structures that can be implemented using pointers to structs, such as linked lists and binary search trees, can be implemented with no loss of efficiency or flexibility but with the advantages ADTs have over lower level coding with explicit pointers. Data structures that benefit from tagged pointers, such as tries, can be implemented more efficiently than with portable C and can be updated without additional indirection. Programmers just need to know that when a new data constructor with arguments is created, the result is something like a pointer to a struct containing a field for each argument (there may be a tag somewhere but the details are not exposed). With the possible exception of refs, all dereferencing is combined with a switch on the data constructor. Please, if you are involved in the development of programming languages, consider supporting ADTs in this way. As inspiration, and a challenge to do better than my attempts (which is not hard), I'll describe two related projects I have been involved with.

The first is adtpp, a tool that supports ADTs in C. It processes a file containing ADT definitions and other declarations and produces a C header file that contains C type definitions, macros, functions etc. Constructing an ADT value is done by applying a data constructor to zero or more arguments (implemented as a call to a function with a pragma suggesting it is inlined) and deconstructing can be done using several pattern matching constructs that test the data constructor and allow the arguments to be assigned to fresh variables, similar to functional programming languages. Mutability is achieved by pattern matching constructs that give pointers to arguments rather than the arguments themselves and the pointers can then be used for destructive update in the normal way. There is no processing of C code; adtpp just relies on the C preprocessor and compiler (this greatly simplifies implementation and maintenance). Although some effort is made to pick up potential errors at compile time, the error messages produced from the C compiler are far from ideal. Significant compromises are required for the syntax of pattern matching constructs, since we rely on C macros, and support of polymorphism, since the only type checking is done by the C compiler. Instead of the language implementation inferring instances of polymorphic types for data constructors and functions, the programmer must declare all such instances and use distinct names for them. Even as a "parent" of adtpp, I have to admit it is ugly, but it does demonstrate you can support efficient mutable ADTs in C with minimal effort (less than 4000 lines of code). Properly incorporating the basic ideas into a programming language that supports pointers and assignment would have a relatively small cost and large benefit.

The second is Pawns, a prototype functional programming language that compiles to C using adtpp. By default, Pawns code is pure and destructive update is not allowed. However, with suitable declarations and annotations, all data constructor arguments are mutable, allowing flexibility similar to an imperative programming language. One of the principles of Pawns is that all side-effects should be obvious from the code. If a function call may update a variable passed as an argument, it must be made obvious by an annotation on the argument. If the variable may also share with other variables, this must also be indicated by further annotations. The compiler does extensive analysis of the sharing of data structures in order to check that the code has sufficient annotations. In addition, functions can have pre-conditions and post-conditions concerning sharing between arguments and the result returned; these are also checked by the compiler. Data structures can be built efficiently, using destructive update, then passed to pure code where reasoning about the code is relatively easy. Potentially we can have the advantages of pure code while retaining flexibility and efficiency. The cost is the rather complex sharing analysis required.

Tagged pointers as a language feature, anyone?

The basic features of portable C (and many other programming languages) are not good for efficient implementation of ADTs and they are unsafe. Writing to one field of an undiscriminated union then reading from another has an undefined result. Similarly, dereferencing a NULL pointer typically yields a runtime error (my first programming language implementation was on a VAX computer which happily dereferenced NULL pointers but, conveniently, address zero always seemed to contain zero). Pointers that have a dereference operation but can also be NULL are attributed to Tony Hoare, who later described it as "the billion dollar mistake". Such pointers can be made safe by either eliminating the reserved NULL value, like references in functional languages, or only allowing dereferencing when it is combined with a switch or conditional construct, like an option ADT. It would be relatively easy to support "tagged pointer" types that are a discriminated union of several reference or (non-NULL) pointer types plus several reserved values like NULL. A tagged pointer could be created from one of the reference types or a reserved value. A switch or conditional construct could allow access to the reference (or what it points to).

With tagged pointers, ADTs could be implemented by using pointers to a distinct struct type for each data constructor with arguments and a distinct reserved value for each other data constructor (this is how adtpp is implemented). For example, a trie could be represented by a discriminated union of a pointer to a struct containing the leaf data and a pointer to a struct containing the two sub-trees of an internal node. This scheme reduces the flexibility for how secondary tags are managed (when there are too many data constructors with arguments for the available spare bits in pointers) and I don't feel that exposing how ADTs are implemented is generally desirable. However, having tagged pointers as an abstraction breaks to nexus between creation of a tagged pointer and allocating and initializing memory that can represent the arguments of a data constructor. This could allow more flexibility with memory allocation (for example, allocating on the stack rather than the heap), potentially increasing efficiency though raising issues of the lifetime of the struct and possibility of dangling pointers. A tagged pointer abstraction may also have uses unrelated to ADTs.


Algebraic data types are great. They are expressive and can help avoid many programmer errors. Unfortunately, very few programming languages support them well. They were first developed for functional programming languages, which value guarantees of "purity" (lack of side-effects etc.) and polymorphic type systems. Both of these desirable features are difficult to combine with mutability of ADTs, though some approaches have been developed. However, ADTs are also a very useful feature for other programming language paradigms where purity and (to a lesser extent) polymorphic type systems are not important. If mutability is restricted to arguments of data constructors, ADTs can be implemented very efficiently - identical to pointers to structs for simple cases and more efficient than portable C code in more complex cases. The efficient representations use tagged pointers, which have been used extensively in the implementation of functional (and other) programming languages but no portable abstraction of them has been incorporated into mainstream programming languages. Pervasive abstractions such as Hoare-style pointers, structs and unions can be used to implement ADTs in a less efficient way and this seems to have significantly influenced designers of programming languages that support ADTs. If we value user-defined data structures in a programming language, ADTs should be supported. If we also value efficiency, only arguments of data constructors should be mutable and tagged pointers should be used in the representation. My hope is that with the creativity of those who design and implement programming languages, good support for ADTs will some day become far more common than Hoare-style pointers are today. All those hard working programmers deserve it.

Rant finished - I don't know about you, but I feel better for it!