@TechReport{ho, Author = { Naish, Lee }, Title = { Higher-order logic programming }, Number = { 96/2 }, Institution = { Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne }, Address = { Melbourne, Australia }, pages = 15, Month = feb, Year = 1996, abstractURL = "http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/lee/papers/ho/", comment = {In proceedings of workshop on multi-paradigm logic programming, JICSLP'96, also Research report #96-28, Fachbereich Informatik, Technische Universitat Berlin} } # ignored... # Institution = { Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne }, @phdthesis{traill, Author = { T. Traill }, Title = { Transformation of logic programming }, type = {Honours Thesis}, Address = { Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia }, pages = 28, Month = nov, Year = 1994 } @inproceedings{nue, author = {Naish, Lee}, title = {Adding equations to {NU-Prolog}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The Third International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming}, address = {Passau, Germany}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = {Lecture notes in computer science}, number = {528}, year = {August, 1991}, pages = {15--26}, abstractURL = "http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/lee/papers/eq/", comment = {Technical Report 91/2, Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne} } # eds not authors but bibtex stuffs it @techreport{nup, author = {James Thom and Justin Zobel}, key = {James Thom and Justin Zobel}, title = {{NU-Prolog} reference manual, version 1.0}, number = { 86/10}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne }, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, year = {1986} } @Article{hanus, author = "Hanus, M.", title = "The Integration of Functions into Logic Programming: From Theory to Practice", year = "1994", pages = "583-628", volume = "19\&20", journal = "Journal of Logic Programming" } @Article{chen, author = "W. Chen and M. Kifer and D.S. Warren", title = "{HiLog}: {A} foundation for higher order logic programming", year = "1993", pages = "187--230", volume = "15", number = "3", journal = "Journal of Logic Programming" } @Article{kirschenbaum, author = "M. Kirschenbaum and L. Sterling and A. Jain", title = "Relating logic programs via program maps", year = "1993", pages = "229-245", volume = "8", journal = "Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence" } @Book{ bird-wadler, Author = { Richard Bird and Philip Wadler }, Title = { Introduction to Functional Programming }, Publisher = { Prentice Hall }, Address = { Hempel Hemsted, UK }, Year = 1988, } @InProceedings{ mercury, Author = { Zoltan Somogyi and Fergus J. Henderson and Thomas Conway }, Title = { Mercury: an efficient purely declarative logic programming language }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Australian Computer Science Conference }, Pages = { 499--512 }, Address = { Glenelg, Australia }, Month = feb, Year = 1995 } @inproceedings{gegg, author = "T.S. Gegg-Harrison", title = "Representing logic program schemata in {$\lambda$}{P}rolog", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Logic Programming", year = 1995, month = "June", address = "Kanagawa, Japan", editor = "Leon Sterling", pages = "467--481" } @inproceedings{sagonas, author = "K. Sagonas and D.S. Warren", title = "Efficient execution of {HiLog} in {WAM}-based {P}rolog implementations", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Logic Programming", year = 1995, month = "June", address = "Kanagawa, Japan", editor = "Leon Sterling", pages = "349--363" } @inproceedings{nadathur, author = {G. Nadathur and D. Miller}, title = {An overview of {$\lambda$}{Prolog}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming}, address = {Seattle, Washington}, year = {August 1988}, editor = {Kenneth A. Bowen and Robert A. Kowalski}, pages = {810--827} } @InCollection{ War82, Author = { David H.D. Warren }, Title = { Higher-order extensions to Prolog: are they needed? }, Booktitle = { Machine Intelligence 10 }, Editor = { J.E. Hayes and Donald Michie and Y-H. Pao }, Pages = { 441-454 }, Publisher = { Ellis Horwood Ltd. }, Address = { Chicester, England }, Year = 1982, Keywords = { logic programming } } @techreport{wam, author = "David H.D. Warren", title = "An abstract {P}rolog instruction set", type = "Tecnical Note", number = "309", institution = "SRI International", address = "Menlo Park, California", year = 1983, month = "October" } @incollection{sterling, author = {L. Sterling and M. Kirschenbaum}, title = {Applying techniques to skeletons} , booktitle = {Constructing logic programs}, editor = {Jean-Marie Jacquet}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Chichester, England}, year = {1993}, pages = {127--140}, } @InProceedings{ tamaki, Author = { Hisao Tamaki and Taisuke Sato }, Title = { Unfold/fold transformation of logic programs }, Editor = { Sten-{\AA}ke T{\"a}rnlund }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second International Logic Programming Conference }, Pages = { 127-138 }, Address = { Uppsala, Sweden }, Month = jul, Year = 1984, Keywords = { program transformation, equivalence, least model semantics } } @book{rok, author = {Richard A. O'Keefe}, title = {The Craft of {Prolog}}, series = {Logic Programming}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, year = {1990}, pages = {387} } @Book{ SteSha86, Author = { Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro }, Title = { The art of Prolog: advanced programming techniques }, Series = { Logic Programming series }, Pages = 427, Publisher = { MIT Press }, Address = { Cambridge, Massachusetts }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { book } } @Book{ lloyd, Author = { John W. Lloyd }, Title = { Foundations of logic programming (second, extended edition) }, Series = { Springer series in symbolic computation }, Pages = 212, Publisher = { Springer-Verlag }, Address = { New York }, Year = 1987, Keywords = { book } } @InProceedings{ sahlin_old, Author = { Dan Sahlin }, Title = { The Mixtus approach to automatic partial evaluation of full Prolog }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on Logic Programming }, Address = { Austin, Texas }, Month = oct, Year = 1990, Keywords = { naclp naclp2 naclp90 } } @Article{sahlin, author = "Dan Sahlin", title = "Mixtus: An Automatic Partial Avaluator for Full {Prolog}", year = "1993", pages = "7--51", volume = "12", number = "1", journal = "New Generation Computing" } @InProceedings{ CheRobSta91, Author = { Anthony S.K. Cheng and Peter J. Robinson and John Staples }, Title = { Higher level meta programming in {Qu-Prolog} 3.0 }, Editor = { Koichi Furukawa }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming }, Pages = { 285-300 }, Address = { Paris, France }, Month = jun, Year = 1991, Keywords = { iclp iclp91 iclp8 } }