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A Higher Order Approach to Programming

Naish ([Nai96]), and various references included therein, argued for a higher order approach to programming in Prolog, based on similar techniques which are widely used in functional programming. One of the key steps in this approach is to develop suitable higher order predicates which can be used for a whole class of computations over a particular data structure. Modern functional languages have certain data types and higher order functions built in. For example, the polymorphic type list(T) and higher order function foldr which generalises the common simple recursion used to compute a value from a list. Program 7 demonstrates the use of foldr using Prolog syntax in the style of (Naish, [Nai96]).

:- type list(T) ---> [] ; [T|list(T)].

foldr(F, B, [], B).
foldr(F, B, [A|As], R) :-
    foldr(F, B, As, R1),
    call(F, A, R1, R).

sum(As, S) :- foldr(plus, 0, As, S).
product(As, P) :- foldr(times, 1, As, P).
length(As, L) :- foldr(add1, 0, As, L).
add1(_, TailLen, Len) :- Len is TailLen + 1.
Program 7: Using foldr

In addition to the input list and result, foldr has two other arguments. One is the base case: what to return when the end of the list is reached. The other is a function -- a predicate in the Prolog context. The predicate takes the head of a list and the result of folding the tail of a list to give the result of folding the whole list. The call/N predicates are available as builtins or library predicates in several Prolog systems. The first argument (a predicate) is called with the additional arguments added. For example, call(plus(A),R1,R) is equivalent to plus(A,R1,R), which is true if A+R1=R. In (Naish, [Nai96]) an alternative higher order primitive, apply/3, is recommended due to its greater flexibility. In this paper we simply use call/N as it is more widely known.

Examples in (Naish, [Nai96]) show how foldr can be used to compute both the sum and product in a single pass by using a pair of numbers for the base case, intermediate results and final answer. These higher order definitions can be optimised very effectively, see (Sagonas and Warren [SW95]), for example. Further examples are given to show how predicates which are analogous to foldr can be constructed.

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Lee Naish