@TechReport{modealg, Author = { Naish, Lee }, Title = { Mode checking using constrained regular trees}, Number = { 98/3 }, Institution = { Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne }, Address = { Melbourne, Australia }, pages = 16, Month = {March}, Year = 1998, abstractURL = "http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/lee/papers/modealg/" } @inproceedings{modes, author = {Naish, Lee}, Title = { A declarative view of modes }, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1996 Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming}, location = {Bonn, Germany}, publisher = {MIT Press}, place = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {185--199}, isbn = {0-262-63173-3}, subcat = {F1}, authorcode = {433,13,00,FU,YI,M}, abstractURL = "http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/lee/papers/modes/", comment = {Also Technical Report 96/7, Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne, 13 pages} } @Comment{This file is a bit of a mess!} @article{naish:auto:85, author = {Lee Naish}, title = {Automating control of logic programs}, journal = {Journal of Logic Programming}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, year = {October 1985}, pages = {167-183} } @InProceedings{etalle, author = "S. Etalle and M. Gabbrielli", title = "Layered Modes", editor = "F. de Boer and M. Gabbrielli", booktitle = "Proc. JICSLP'96 Post-Conference Workshop on Verification and Analysis of Logic Programs", note = "Tehcnical Report TR-96-31, Dipartimento di Informatica di Pisa", year = "1996" } % article{etalle, % author = {Etalle, Sandro and Gabbrielli, Maurizio}, % title = {Layered modes}, % journal = {Journal of Logic Programming}, % volume = {?}, % number = {?}, % year = {?}, % pages = {?-?} % } @techreport{naish:85, author = {Lee Naish}, title = {The {MU-Prolog} 3.2 reference manual}, number = { 85/11}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, year = {October 1985}, pages = {17} } @book{naish:thesis:86, author = {Lee Naish}, title = {Negation and control in {Prolog}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {New York}, number = {238}, year = {1986}, pages = {119} } @techreport{thom:zobel:86, author = {James Thom and Justin Zobel}, title = {{NU-Prolog} reference manual, version 1.0}, number = { 86/10}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne}, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, year = {1986} } @incollection{naish:verif:90, author = {Naish, Lee}, title = {Verification of logic programs and imperative programs}, booktitle = {Constructing logic programs}, editor = {Jean-Marie Jacquet}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Chichester, England}, year = {1993}, pages = {143-164}, documentURL = "http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/lee/papers/verify/tr.ps", comment = {Technical Report 90/6, Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne} } @incollection{naish:90, author = {Naish, Lee}, title = {Types and the intended meaning of logic programs}, pages = {189-216}, booktitle = {Types in logic programming}, editor = {Frank Pfenning}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, year = {1992}, comment = {Technical Report 90/4, Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne} } @article{naish:ctl:92, author = {Naish, Lee}, title = {Coroutining and the construction of terminating logic programs}, journal = {Australian Computer Science Communications}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, year = {1993}, pages = {181--190}, documentURL = "http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/lee/papers/term/tr.dvi.Z", comment = {Also Technical report 92/5, Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne} } @article{naish:PNU:88, author = {Lee Naish}, title = {Parallelizing {NU-Prolog}}, journal = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming}, address = {Seattle, Washington}, year = {August 1988}, editor = {Kenneth A. Bowen and Robert A. Kowalski}, pages = {1546-1564} } @Book{ Gre87, Author = { Steven Gregory }, Title = { Design, application and implementation of a parallel logic programming language }, Publisher = { Addison-Weseley }, Year = 1987, Keywords = { PARLOG, AND-parallelism, book } } @TechReport{ Sha83, Author = { Ehud Y. Shapiro }, Type = { Research Report }, Title = { A subset of {C}oncurrent {P}rolog and its interpreter }, Number = { CS83-06 }, Institution = { Department of Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science }, Address = { Rehovot, Israel }, Year = 1983, Annote = { This is a revised version of technical report TR-003, {ICOT}-Institute for New Generation Computing Technology. } } @PhDThesis{ Ued86, Author = { Kazunori Ueda }, Type = { D.Eng. Thesis }, Title = { Guarded Horn clauses }, School = { University of Tokyo }, Address = { Tokyo, Japan }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { ghc, AND-parallelism } } @inproceedings{boye95, author = "J. Boye and J. Maluszynski", title = "Two aspects of directional types", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Logic Programming", year = 1995, month = "June", address = "Kanagawa, Japan", editor = "Leon Sterling", pages = "747--761" } @inproceedings{verschaetse:1991, author = "Kristof Verschaetse and Danny De Schreye", title = "Deriving termination proofs for logic programs, using abstract procedures", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming", year = 1991, month = "June", address = "Paris", editor = "Koichi Furukawa", pages = "301--315" } @techreport{reddy92, author = {Uday Reddy}, title = {A typed foundation for directional logic programs}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Illinous at Urbana-Champaign}, address = {Urbana, Illinous}, year = {1992} } @TechReport{ somogyi91, Author = { Z. Somogyi }, Title = { A parallel logic programming system based on strong and precise modes }, Number = {89/4}, Note = { Ph.D. thesis }, Institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne }, Address = { Melbourne, Australia }, Year = 1989 } @TechReport{ clark83, Author = { Keith Clark and Steve Gregory }, Type = { Research Report }, Title = { Parlog: a parallel logic programming language }, Number = { DOC 83/5 }, Pages = 35, Institution = { Department of Computing, Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London }, Address = { England }, Month = may, Year = 1983, Keywords = { impcoll } } @InCollection{ clark79, Author = { K.L. Clark and F.G. McCabe }, Title = { The control facilities of {IC}-Prolog }, Booktitle = { Expert systems in the microelectronic age }, Editor = { Donald Michie }, Pages = { 122-149 }, Publisher = { Edinburgh University Press }, Year = 1979, Keywords = { esmea } } @PhDThesis{ bol91, Author = { Roland Bol }, Title = { Loop checking in logic programming}, Pages = { 200 }, School = { Centre for mathematics and computer science, University of Amsterdam }, Address = { Amsterdam }, Year = 1991, } @InProceedings{ ueda90, Author = { Kazunori Ueda and Masao Morita }, Title = { A new implementation technique for flat {GHC} }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming }, Address = { Jerusalem, Israel }, Month = jun, Year = 1990, Keywords = { ilpc iclp ilpc90 iclp90 islp90 ilpc7 iclp7 } } @InProceedings{ somogyi87, Author = { Zoltan Somogyi }, Title = { A system of precise modes for logic programs }, Editor = { Jean-Louis Lassez }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming }, Pages = { 769-787 }, Address = { Melbourne, Australia }, Month = may, Year = 1987, Keywords = { stream AND-parallel, software engineering } } @InProceedings{ bol90, Author = { Roland N. Bol }, Title = { Towards more efficient loop checks }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on Logic Programming }, Address = { Austin, Texas }, Month = oct, Year = 1990, Keywords = { naclp naclp2 naclp90 } } @InProceedings{debray91, author={Debray, Saumya K. and Lin, Nai-Wei}, title={Automatic Complexity Analysis of Logic Programs}, pages={599--613}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming}, year = {1991}, editor = {Furukawa, Koichi}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, address = {Paris, France}, } @InProceedings{plumer90, author={Pl{\"u}mer, Lutz}, title={Termination Proofs for Logic Programs Based on Predicate Inequalities}, pages={634--648}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming}, year = 1990, editor = "David H. D. Warren and Peter Szeredi", publisher = {The MIT Press}, address = {Jerusalem} } @InProceedings{ross91, author={Ross, Brian J. and Smaill, Alan}, title={An Algebraic Semantics of {P}rolog Program Termination}, pages={316--330}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming}, year = {1991}, editor = {Furukawa, Koichi}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, address = {Paris, France}, } @Proceedings{ICLP90, title = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming}, year = 1990, editor = "David H. D. Warren and Peter Szeredi", publisher = {The MIT Press}, address = {Jerusalem}, } @Proceedings{ICLP91, title = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming}, year = {1991}, editor = {Furukawa, Koichi}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, address = {Paris, France}, } @InProceedings{bronsard92, author={Bronsard, Francois and Lakshman, T.K. and Reddy, Uday S.}, title={A framework of directionality for proving termination of logic programs}, pages={321--335}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming}, year = {1992}, editor = {Apt, Krzysztof}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, address = {Washington D.C.} } @Comment{ Database converted by ref2bib Tue Feb 6 12:41:51 EDT 1996 on munta.cs.mu.OZ.AU} @TechReport{ BowByrPer82, Author = { D.L. Bowen and Lawrence Byrd and Fernando C.N. Pereira and Luis M. Pereira and David H.D. Warren }, Type = { Occasional Paper }, Title = { {DEC}system-10 Prolog user's manual }, Number = 27, Institution = { Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh }, Address = { Scotland }, Month = nov, Year = 1982, Keywords = { manual, compiler, interpreter, DEC-10/20 } } @InProceedings{ RoyDes90, Author = { P. van Roy and A.M. Despain }, Title = { The benefits of global flow analysis for an optimizing Prolog compiler }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on Logic Programming }, Address = { Austin, Texas }, Month = oct, Year = 1990, Keywords = { naclp naclp2 naclp90 } } @InProceedings{ MutHer89, Author = { K. Muthukumar and M. Hermenegildo }, Title = { Determination of variable dependence through abstract interpretation }, Editor = { Ewing L. Lusk and Ross A. Overbeek }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the First North American Conference on Logic Programming }, Pages = { 166-185 }, Address = { Cleveland, Ohio }, Month = oct, Year = 1989, Keywords = { flow analysis for independent AND-parallelism } } @InProceedings{ MutHer91, Author = { K. Muthukumar and M. Hermenegildo }, Title = { Combined determination of sharing and freeness of program variables through abstract interpretation }, Editor = { Koichi Furukawa }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming }, Pages = { 49-63 }, Address = { Paris, France }, Month = jun, Year = 1991, Keywords = { iclp iclp91 iclp8 } } @InProceedings{ WarHerDeb88, Author = { Richard Warren and Manuel Hermenegildo and Saumya K. Debray }, Title = { On the practicality of global flow analysis of logic programs }, Editor = { Kenneth A. Bowen and Robert A. Kowalski }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming }, Pages = { 684-699 }, Address = { Seattle, Washington }, Month = aug, Year = 1988, Keywords = { abstract compilation, extension tables, aliasing, cleanness, CGEs } } @InProceedings{ Deb93, Author = { Saumya Debray }, Title = { On copy avoidance in single assignment languages }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Logic Programming }, Address = { Budapest, Hungary }, Month = jun, Year = 1993, Keywords = { iclp iclp93 iclp10 } } @InProceedings{ DebWar86, Author = { Saumya K. Debray and David S. Warren }, Title = { Automatic mode inference for Prolog programs }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming }, Pages = { 78-88 }, Address = { Salt Lake City, Utah }, Month = sep, Year = 1986, Keywords = { abstract interpretation } } @InCollection{ ClaMcC79, Author = { K.L. Clark and F.G. McCabe }, Title = { The control facilities of {IC}-Prolog }, Booktitle = { Expert systems in the microelectronic age }, Editor = { Donald Michie }, Pages = { 122-149 }, Publisher = { Edinburgh University Press }, Year = 1979, Keywords = { esmea } } @InCollection{ ueda95, Author = { K. Ueda }, Title = { {I/O} mode analysis in concurrent logic programming }, Booktitle = { Theory and practice of parallel programming }, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {907}, Editor = { T. Ito and Yonezawa }, Publisher = { Springer-Verlag }, Year = 1995, Keywords = { } } @Article{ ClaGre86, Author = { Keith L. Clark and Steve Gregory }, Title = { {PARLOG}: parallel programming in logic }, Journal = toplas, Volume = 8, Number = 1, Pages = { 1-49 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { toplas } } @Misc{ SomHenCon95, Author = { Zoltan Somogyi and Fergus Henderson and Thomas Conway }, Title = { {TREP} 95/14 }, Pages = 25, Month = mar, Year = 1995 } @TechReport{ SomHen94, Author = { Zoltan Somogyi and Fergus J. Henderson }, Title = { Fast implementation of strongly moded logic programs }, Number = { 94/5 }, Pages = { ? }, Institution = { Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne }, Address = { Melbourne, Australia }, Month = jun, Year = 1994, Keywords = { melb{\_}dcs{\_}tr }, Annote = { We present a new execution model that takes advantage of the information provided by strong type and mode systems to generate specialized {C} code for every predicate. The model has an especially streamlined algorithm for the execution of deterministic predicates. Together with a new optimization, this algorithm lets us implement the naive reverse benchmark at a speed of almost 4 Megalips on a {SPARC}station 2, faster than even a handwritten {C} program. For nondeterministic predicates, our model has fewer overheads than the {WAM} yet allows the introduction of intelligent backtracking on a clause-by-clause basis. } } @InProceedings{ mercury, Author = { Zoltan Somogyi and Fergus J. Henderson and Thomas Conway }, Title = { Mercury: an efficient purely declarative logic programming language }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Australian Computer Science Conference }, Pages = { 499--512 }, Address = { Glenelg, Australia }, Month = feb, Year = 1995 } @InProceedings{ DieHag88, Author = { Roland Dietrich and Frank Hagl }, Title = { A polymorphic type system with subtypes for Prolog }, Editor = { H. Ganzinger }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second European Symposium on Programming }, Pages = { 79-93 }, Note = { published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 300 by Springer-Verlag }, Address = { Nancy, France }, Month = mar, Year = 1988, Keywords = { extension of Mycroft-O'Keefe, relies on mode system for dataflow information } } @InProceedings{ UedMor90, Author = { Kazunori Ueda and Masao Morita }, Title = { A new implementation technique for flat {GHC} }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming }, Address = { Jerusalem, Israel }, Month = jun, Year = 1990, Keywords = { ilpc iclp ilpc90 iclp90 ilpc7 iclp7 } } @inproceedings{WadlerPhil89a, author ="Wadler, Philip", title ="Theorems for free!", booktitle ="Functional Programming and Computer Architecture", month ="Sept", year ="89", documentURL ="ftp://ftp.dcs.gla.ac.uk/pub/glasgow-fp/authors/Philip_Wadler/theorems-for-free.dvi", documentSize="90.3 kbytes" } @inproceedings{PeytonJone93b, author ="Peyton Jones, Simon L. and Wadler, Philip", title ="Imperative Functional Programming", booktitle ="Principles of Programming Languages", month ="Jan", year ="93", scope ="monads", documentURL ="ftp://ftp.dcs.gla.ac.uk/pub/glasgow-fp/papers/imperative.ps.Z", documentSize="75.5 kbytes" } @inproceedings{TurnerDavi1995a, author ="Turner, David N and Wadler, Philip and Mossin, Christian", title ="Once upon a type", address ="San Diego, California", booktitle ="Functional Programming and Computer Architecture", year ="1995", scope ="imptype", documentURL ="ftp://ftp.dcs.gla.ac.uk/pub/glasgow-fp/authors/Philip_Wadler/once.dvi", keywords ="extended Hindley-Milner for linear types" } %%% Publishers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @string{sv="Springer-Verlag"} @string{cup="Cambridge University Press"} @string{oup="Oxford University Press"} @string{mit="The {MIT} Press"} @string{jws="John Wiley and Sons"} @string{aw="Addison-Wesley"} @string{esp="Elsevier Science Publishers"} @string{aca="Academic Press"} @string{mcgraw="McGraw--Hill"} @string{kaufmann="M. Kaufmann Publishers"} @string{vnr="Van Nostrand Reinhold"} @string{vnny="Van Nostrand, New York"} @string{bib="Bibliopolis"} @string{nh="North Holland"} @string{phi="Prentice Hall International"} @string{plenum="Plenum"} @string{osp="Oxford Science Publishers"} @string{hup="Harvard University Press"} @string{aws="Almquist and Wiksell, Stockholm"} @string{perg="Pergamon, Oxford"} %%% Journals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @string{scp="Science of Computer Programming"} @string{cs="Computing Surveys"} @string{tcs="Journal of Theoretical Computer Science"} @string{entcs="Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science"} @string{bcj="The Computer Journal"} @string{jlp="Journal of Logic Programming"} @string{ac="Acta Cybernetica"} @string{mscs="Mathematical Structures in Computer Science"} @string{tpls="Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} @string{jasis="Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences"} @string{alp="Newsletter of the Association for Logic Programming"} @string{mi="Machine Intelligence"} @string{sigact="{ACM} {SIGACT} Notices"} @string{sigplan="{ACM} {SIGPLAN} Notices"} @string{toplas="{ACM} Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} @string{nac="Proceedings of the National Academy of Science {USA}"} @string{com="{IEEE} Transactions on Communications"} @string{tams="Transactions American Mathematical Society"} @string{it="{IEEE} Transactions on Information Theory"} @string{lsc="{Lisp} and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal"} @string{cacm="Communications of the {ACM}"} @string{ic="Information and Computation"} @string{jsl="Journal of Symbolic Logic"} @string{jcss="Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} @string{jlc="Journal of Logic and Computation"} @string{apal="Annals of Pure and Applied Logic"} @string{siam="{SIAM} Journal of Computing"} @string{ai="Artificial Intelligence"} @string{eatcs="Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science"} @string{jfp="Journal of Functional Programming"} @string{lms="London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series"} @string{jp="Journal of Philosophy"} @string{jpaa="Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra"} @string{ifip="IFIP"} @string{acsc="Australian Computer Science Communications"} @string{uc="University Computing"} %%% Conferences %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @string{mfcs94="Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science"} @string{fpdc94="Proceedings of the New Zealand Formal Program Development Colloquium Seminar"} @string{snowbird95="Proceedings of the 1995 {IEEE} Data Compression Conference"} @string{ad68="Proceedings of the 1968 Symposium on Automatic Demonstration"} @string{adc95="Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures"} @string{aadebug95="Proceedings of Automated and Algorithmic Debugging"} @string{rclp91="Proceedings of the First and Second Russian Conferences on Logic Programming"} @string{spl95="Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Workshop on State in Programming Languages"} @string{pcp74="Proceedings of the Paris Colloquium on Programming"} @string{sls71="Proceedings of the Scandinavian Logic Symposium"} @string{sls71="Proceedings of the Second Scandinavian Logic Symposium"} @string{ld78="Proceedings of the 1978 Conference on Logic and Databases"} @string{llc94="Proceedings: Logic, Languages and Computation"} @string{tpp93="Informal Proceedings of the Workshop on Typed for Proofs and Programs"} @string{sdcg80="Proceedings of the Aarhus Workshop on Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation"} @string{hicss92="Proceddings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences"} @string{mi82="Proceedings of the Tenth Machine Intelligence Conference"} @string{lpw92="Proceedings of the 1992 {$\lambda$-Prolog} Workshop"} @string{types93="Types for Proofs and Programs, Proceedings of TYPES93"} @string{acsc95="Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Computer Science Conference"} @string{acsc96="Proceedings of the Nineteenth Australasian Computer Science Conference"} @string{icad88="Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Automated Deduction"} @string{icad94="Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Automated Deduction"} @string{ip74="Proceedings Information Processing 74"} @string{ip83="Proceedings Information Processing 83"} @string{ifip90="Proceedings of the IFIP TC2 Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods"} @string{esop88="Proceedings of the Second European Symposium on Programming"} @string{esop94="Proceedings of the Eigth European Symposium on Programming"} @string{esop95="Proceedings of the Ninth European Symposium on Programming"} @string{lfp82="Proceedings of the {ACM} Conference on {Lisp} and Functional Programming"} @string{tc90="Proceedings of the 22nd Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing"} @string{rclp91="Proceedings of the Second Russian Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{plilp94="Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming"} @string{plilp95="Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming"} @string{ptml94="Proceedings of the 1994 Conference on Proof Theory of Modal Logic"} @string{tpa95="Proceedings of the 1995 Types for Program Analysis Workshop"} @string{lp85="Proceedings of the 1985 Conference on Logics of Programs"} @string{ctcs87="Proceedings of the 1987 Conference on Category Theory and Computer Science"} @string{ctcs89="Proceedings of the 1989 Conference on Category Theory and Computer Science"} @string{how90="Proceedings of the IVth Higher Order Workshop"} @string{ccl94="Proceedings of the First International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics"} @string{ccs91="Proceedings of the 1991 Conference on Constructivity in Computer Science"} @string{fpg92="Functional Programming, Glasgow 1992"} @string{pldi90="{ACM} {SIGPLAN}-90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation"} @string{tap94="Proceedings o the Nineteenth International Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming"} @string{ctcs89="Proceedings of the 1989 Conference on Catregory Theory and Computer Science"} @string{fpcl89="Proceedings of the Summer School on Functional Programming and Constructive Logic"} @string{cats94="Proceedings of Computing, The 1994 Australian Theory Seminar"} @string{cats96="Proceedings of Computing, The 1996 Australian Theory Seminar"} @string{mss92="Proceedings of the 1992 Marktoberdorf Summer School on Program Design Calculi"} @string{mss93="Proceedings of the 1993 Marktoberdorf Summer School on Proof and Computation"} @string{mss94="Proceedings of the 1994 Marktoberdorf Summer School on Deductive Program Design"} @string{csl93="Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computer Science Logic"} @string{fpca85="Proceedings of the Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture"} @string{fpca89="Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture"} @string{fpca91="Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture"} @string{fpca93="Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture"} @string{fpca95="Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture"} @string{ilps95="Proceedings of the 1995 International Logic Programming Symposium"} @string{gc93="Proceedings of the 1993 ILPS Workshop on Global Compilation"} @string{itlpl94="Proceedings of the 1994 ILPS Postconference Workshop on Implementation Techniques for Logic Programming Languages"} @string{tlca93="Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications"} @string{tlca95="Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications"} @string{sas94="Proceedings of the First International Static Analysis Symposium"} @string{pap94="Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Practical Applications of {Prolog}"} @string{iclp86="Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{iclp87="Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{iclp88="Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{iclp89="Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{iclp91="Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{iclp94="Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{iclp95="Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{lics88="Proceedings of the Third Annual {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} @string{lics90="Proceedings of the Fifth Annual {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} @string{lics91="Proceedings of the Sixth Annual {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} @string{lics92="Proceedings of the Seventh Annual {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} @string{lics93="Proceedings of the Eighth Annual {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} @string{lics95="Proceedings of the Tenth Annual {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} @string{ilpc82="Proceedings of the First International Logic Programming Conference"} @string{elp92="Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Extensions of Logic Programming"} @string{islp84="Proceedings of the First {IEEE} Symposium on Logic Programming"} @string{islp91="Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Logic Programming"} @string{islp93="Proceedings of the 1993 International Symposium on Logic Programming"} @string{islp94="Proceedings of the 1994 International Symposium on Logic Programming"} @string{jicslp88="Proceedings of the Fifth Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming"} @string{jicslp92="Proceedings of the Ninth Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming"} @string{ppcp94="Proceedings of the 1994 Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming"} @string{popl84="Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{popl85="Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{popl89="Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{popl90="Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{popl93="Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{popl94="Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{popl95="Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{naclp89="Proceedings of the 1989 North American Conference on Logic Programming"} @string{naclp90="Proceedings of the 1990 North American Conference on Logic Programming"} @inproceedings{Bronsard/ilps/95 ,author="Francois Bronsard and T. K. Lakshman and Uday S. Reddy" ,booktitle=ilps95 ,title="Type Based Reasoning of Incomplete Data Structures" ,year="1995" ,note="(to appear)" ,keywords="logic programming, types, directional types, modes, termination" ,url="file://cs.uiuc.edu/pub/reddy/tkl/ids.ps.Z" } @inproceedings{Bronsard/jicslp/92 ,author="F. Bronsard and T. K. Lakshman and U. S. Reddy" ,title="A Framework of Directionality for Proving Termination of Logic Programs" ,booktitle=jicslp92 ,pages="321--335" ,year="1992" ,keywords="logic programming, types, modes, directional typing, prescriptive typing, regular trees, termination, well-ordering" ,url="file://cs.uiuc.edu/pub/reddy/papers/termination.ps.Z" } @inproceedings{Codish/sas/94 ,author="Michael Codish and Bart Demoen" ,booktitle=sas94 ,pages="281--296" ,title="Deriving Polymorphic Type Dependencies for Logic Programs using Multiple Incarnations of {Prop}" ,year="1994" ,publisher=sv ,series="LNCS 864" ,keywords="logic programming, types, abstract interpretation, abstract compilation, directional types, modes" } @unpublished{Codish/unpub/95 ,author="Michael Codish and Vitaly Lagoon" ,title="Analysing Logic Programs for Real: A Persistent Type Analysis" ,year="1995" ,note="(unpublished)" ,keywords="logic programming, type systems, polymorphism, type analysis, descriptive types" ,url="ftp://ftp.cs.bgu.ac.il/pub/people/codish/persist.dvi" } @unpublished{Naish/unpub/95 ,author="Lee Naish" ,title="Modes in Logic Programming" ,year="1995" ,note="(presentation in Modes in Logic Programming Workshop, University of Melbourne, 26th June, 1995)" ,keywords="logic programming, types, modes, model theory" } % :-) @inproceedings{Rouzaud/jicslp/92 ,author="Yann Rouzaud and Lan Nguyen-Phuong" ,title="Integrating Modes and Subtypes into a {Prolog} Type-checker" ,booktitle=jicslp92 ,pages="85--97" ,year="1992" ,keywords="logic programming, types, modes, prescriptive typing, regular trees, implicational typing" } @inproceedings{Dietrich/esop/88 ,author="R. Dietrich and F. Hagl" ,booktitle=esop88 ,pages="79--93" ,title="A Polymorphic Type System with Subtypes for {Prolog}" ,year="1988" ,publisher=sv ,series="LNCS 300" ,keywords="logic programming, types, subtypes" } @inproceedings{Jacobs/pldi/90 ,author="D. Jacobs" ,booktitle=pldi90 ,pages="165--173" ,title="Type Declarations as Subtype Constraints in Logic Programming" ,year="1990" ,keywords="logic programming, types, subtypes" ,status="NOT HELD" } @inproceedings{Aiken/ppcp/94 ,author="Alexander Aiken" ,booktitle=ppcp94 ,title="Set Constraints: Results, Applications and Future Directions" ,year="1994" ,pages="171--179" ,keywords="set constraints" } @inproceedings{Aiken/sas/94 ,author="Alexander Aiken and T. K. Lakshman" ,booktitle=sas94 ,series="LNCS 864" ,pages="43--60" ,title="Directional Type Checking of Logic Programs" ,year="1994" ,publisher=sv ,keywords="logic programming, modes, types, set constraints" } # accepted for TCS? @InProceedings{codish1, author = "M. Codish and V. Lagoon", title = "Type Dependencies for Logic Programs Using {ACI}-Unification", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1996 Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems", year = 1996, publisher = "IEEE Press", pages = "136-145", month = "June" } @InProceedings{codish2, author = "M. Codish and V. Lagoon and F. Bueno", title = "An Algebraic Approach to Sharing Analysis of Logic Programs", booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'97)}, pages = {68--82}, year = {1997}, month = {Sept}, publisher=sv, volume="1302", series="LNCS" } % InProceedings{codish2, % author = "F. Bueno and M. Codish and V. Lagoon", % title = "Sharing Analysis Using Set Logic Programs % (Poster abstract)", % booktitle = {Logic programming: {P}roceedings of the % fourteenth International Conference on Logic % Programming}, % pages = {417}, % year = {1997}, % month = {July}, % publisher = {MIT Press}, % place = {Cambridge, Massachusetts} % } @Article{groundness, author = {K. Marriott and H. S{\o}ndergaard}, title = {Precise and Efficient Groundness Analysis for Logic Programs}, journal = {ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems}, volume = {2}, number = {1--4}, pages = {181--196}, year = {1993} } @Book{ Llo84, Author = { John W. Lloyd }, Title = { Foundations of logic programming }, Series = { Springer series in symbolic computation }, Pages = 124, Publisher = { Springer-Verlag }, Address = { New York }, Year = 1984, Keywords = { book } } @article{jacobs, author = {Dean Jacobs and Anno Langen}, title = {Static Analysis of Logic Programs for Independent And-Parallelism}, journal = {Journal of Logic Programming}, volume = {13}, number = {2,3}, year = {1992}, pages = {291--314} } @Article{obdd, author = "Randal Bryant", title = "Symbolic {Boolean} manipulation with ordered binary-decision diagrams", journal = ACMCS, year = 1992, volume = 24, number = 3, pages = "293--318" } @InProceedings{schachte, author = "Peter Schachte", title = "Efficient {ROBDD} Operations for Program Analysis", booktitle = "ACSC'96: Proceedings of the 19$^{th}$ Australasian Computer Science Conference", year = 1996, editor = "Kotagiri Ramamohanarao", pages = "347--356", publisher = "Australian Computer Science Communications" }