@inproceedings{naish:89, author = {Naish, Lee and P. W. Dart and J. Zobel}, title = {The {NU-Prolog} debugging environment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Logic Programming}, pages = {521--536}, address = {Lisboa, Portugal}, year = {June 1989}, editor = {Antonio Porto}, abstractURL = "http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/lee/papers/nude/", comment = {Technical report 88/31, Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne} } %A Lee Naish %T Negation and quantifiers in NU-Prolog %J Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Logic Programming %C Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England %D July 1986 %E Ehud Shapiro %O published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 225 by Springer-Verlag %K ilpc iclp ilpc86 iclp86 iclp3 london %P 624-634 %A John W. Lloyd %T Foundations of logic programming %S Springer series in symbolic computation %I Springer-Verlag %C New York %K book %D 1984 %P 124 %A Matthew M. Huntbach %T Algorithmic Parlog debugging %J Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming %C San Francisco, California %D August 1987 %K islp islp4 islp87 %P 288-297 %A Ehud Y. Shapiro %T Algorithmic program debugging %I MIT Press %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %K book %D 1983 %P 232 %A Luis Moniz Pereira %T Rational debugging in logic programming %J Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Logic Programming %C London, England %D July 1986 %E Ehud Shapiro %O published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 225 by Springer-Verlag %K ilpc iclp ilpc86 iclp86 ilpc3 iclp3 %P 203-210 %A Gerard Ferrand %T Error diagnosis in logic programming, an adaptation of E.Y. Shapiro's method %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 4 %N 3 %D September 1987 %P 177-198 %A J.W. Lloyd %T Declarative error diagnosis %J New Generation Computing %K ngc %V 5 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 133-154 %A Keith L. Clark %T Negation as failure %B Logic and data bases %E Herve Gallaire %E Jack Minker %I Plenum Press %D 1978 %P 293-322 %A David A. Plaisted %T An efficient bug location algorithm %J Proceedings of the Second International Logic Programming Conference %C Uppsala, Sweden %D July 1984 %E Sten-Ake Tarnlund %K ilpc iclp ilpc84 iclp84 ilpc2 iclp2 %P 151-157 %K Prolog, debugging, performance %A Nachum Dershowitz %A Yuh-Jeng Lee %T Deductive debugging %J Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming %C San Francisco, California %D August 1987 %K islp islp4 islp87 %P 298-306 %A Lee Naish %T Automating control of logic programs %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 2 %N 3 %D October 1985 %P 167-183 %A Lee Naish %T Specification = program + types %J Proceedings of 7th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science %C Pune, India %D December, 1987 %A David H.D. Warren %T An abstract Prolog instruction set %R Technical Note 309 %I SRI International %C Menlo Park, California %D October 1983 %A Saumya K. Debray %T Static inference of modes and data dependencies in logic programs %R TR 87-24 %I Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona %C Tuscon %D 1987 %A Lawrence Byrd %T Understanding the control flow of Prolog programs %J Proceedings of the 1980 Logic Programming Workshop %C Debrecen, Hungary %D July 1980 %K lpw lpw80 %P 127-138 %K debugging, box model %A Lee Naish %T Parallelizing NU-Prolog %J Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming %C Seattle, Washington %D August 1988 %E Kenneth A. Bowen %E Robert A. Kowalski %K ilpc iclp islp ilpc88 iclp88 islp88 ilpc5 iclp5 islp5 %P 1546-1564 %K stream AND-parallelism, PNU-Prolog, lazyDet, eagerDet, when declarations %A J. Zobel %T Derivation of polymorphic types for Prolog programs %J Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming %C Melbourne, Australia %D May 1987 %E Jean-Louis Lassez %K ilpc iclp ilpc87 iclp87 ilpc4 iclp4 %P 816-838 %A Philip W. Dart %A Justin Zobel %T Transforming typed logic programs into well-typed logic programs %R Technical Report 88/11 %I Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne %C Melbourne, Australia %D May 1988 %A Philip W. Dart %T Using propositional formulae to derive deductive database dependencies %R Technical Report 87/13 %I Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne %C Melbourne, Australia %D September 1987 %P 24 %K groundness formulae, connected databases, modes, allowed formulae %A Luis Moniz Pereira %A Miguel Calejo %T A framework for Prolog debugging %J Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming %C Seattle, Washington %D August 1988 %E Kenneth A. Bowen %E Robert A. Kowalski %K ilpc iclp islp ilpc88 iclp88 islp88 ilpc5 iclp5 islp5 %P 481-495 %K programming environments %K declarative debugging, select & query, suspects %A Marc Eisenstadt %A Mike Brayshaw %T Graphical debugging with the Transparent Prolog Machine (TPM) %J Proceedings of the Tenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Milan, Italy %D August 1987 %K ijcai ijcai10 ijcai87 %P 83-86 %A Hidehisa Takahashi %A Etsuya Shibayama %T PRESET - a debugging environment for Prolog %J Proceedings of the Fourth Logic Programming Conference %C Tokyo, Japan %D July 1985 %E Eiiti Wada %O published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 221 by Springer-Verlag %K lpc lpc4 %P 90-99 %A Marc Eisenstadt %T Retrospective zooming: a knowledge based tracking and debugging methodology for logic programming %J Proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Los Angeles, California %D September 1985 %K ijcai ijcai9 ijcai85 %P 717-719 %K logic programming %A Lee Naish %T Declarative diagnosis of missing answers %R Technical Report 88/9 %I Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne %C Melbourne, Australia %D May 1988 %P 18 %K debugging of logic programs %A Maurice Bruynooghe %T Adding redundancy to obtain more reliable and more readable Prolog programs %J Proceedings of the First International Logic Programming Conference %C Marseille, France %D September 1982 %E Michel Van\ Caneghem %K ilpc iclp ilpc82 iclp82 ilpc1 iclp1 %P 129-133 %K annotations, types %A Alan Mycroft %A Richard A. O'Keefe %T A polymorphic type system for Prolog %J Artificial Intelligence %K aij %V 23 %D 1984 %P 295-307 %A J.W. Lloyd %A R.W. Topor %T Making Prolog more expressive %J Journal of Logic Programming %K jlp %V 1 %N 3 %D October 1984 %P 225-240 %K extended programs, extended goals, first-order logic %A L. Cavedon %A J.W. Lloyd %T A completeness theorem for SLDNF-resolution %R Technical Report 87/9 %I Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne %C Melbourne, Australia %D September 1987 %P 18 %X We prove the completeness of SLDNF-resolution and negation as failure for strict, allowed, stratified, normal programs and goals. In particular, this result settles positively a conjecture of Apt, Blair and Walker. %A Lee Naish %T The MU-Prolog 3.2 reference manual %R Technical Report 85/11 %I Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne %C Melbourne, Australia %D October 1985 %P 17 %K logic programming, Prolog %A Kotagiri Ramamohanarao %A John Shepherd %A Isaac Balbin %A Graeme Port %A Lee Naish %A James Thom %A Justin Zobel %A Philip Dart %T The NU-Prolog deductive database system %J IEEE Data Engineering %K ieee_de tcde %V 10 %N 4 %D December 1987 %P 10-19 %A James Thom %A Justin Zobel %T NU-Prolog reference manual, version 1.3 %R Technical Report 86/10 %I Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne %C Melbourne, Australia %K numan %D 1988 %A Mike Brayshaw %A Marc Eisenstadt %T Adding data and procedure abstraction to the transparent Prolog machine (TPM) %J Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming %C Seattle, Washington %D August 1988 %E Kenneth A. Bowen %E Robert A. Kowalski %K ilpc iclp islp ilpc88 iclp88 islp88 ilpc5 iclp5 islp5 %P 532-547 %K programming environments, AORTA %A Marc Eisenstadt %A Mike Brayshaw %T The Transparent Prolog Machine (TPM): an execution model and graphical debugger for logic programming %R Technical Report No. 21a %I The Open University, Human Cognition Research Laboratory %C Milton Keynes, United Kingdom %D October 1987 %O To appear, Journal of Logic Programming %A Paul Brna %A Alan Bundy %A Helen Pain %A Liam Lynch %T Programming tools for Prolog environments %R Research Report %I Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Ediburgh %D 1987 %A K. Marriott %A L. Naish %A J.L. Lassez %T Most specific logic programs %J Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming %C Seattle, Washington %D August 1988 %E Kenneth A. Bowen %E Robert A. Kowalski %K ilpc iclp islp ilpc88 iclp88 islp88 ilpc5 iclp5 islp5 %P 909-923 %K reasoning about programs, program specialization