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Operational semantics

The operational semantics we use is essentially SLDNF resolution, where negative literals must be ground in order to be selected. We define trees to formalise the operational semantics. There are a few differences between our definitions and the standard SLDNF tree definitions. First, for technical convenience evaluation of negative literals is done within the same tree structure (like [Martelli and TricomiMartelli and Tricomi1992], rather than having separate trees of different ranks) and equality atoms/constraints are used rather than substitutions. Second, treatment of floundering within negation is improved (it is often done poorly). Third, we distinguish between searching for all solutions and just some solution(s). Our main aim is to establish results about observables from Prolog computations, namely, zero or more (possibly floundered) computed answers and possibly an indication there are no (more) answers (we ignore computations which are aborted -- we have no results for such cases). These are always the result of a finite search and we define finite trees which correspond to such computations. Even if all SLDNF trees are infinite the search may be finite because only some solution(s) may be needed (at the top level or inside a negation).

Definition 9 (SLDDNF tree)   An SLDDNF tree is a (possibly infinite) tree where nodes are connected by positive or negative edges. The positive nodes of a (sub)tree are those connected to the root with a sequence of positive edges.

Each node contains a conjunction of literals including equality atoms. Nodes containing an unsatisfiable set of equality atoms are said to be failed and have no children. Nodes containing a satisfiable set of equality atoms and no other literals are said to be successful and have no children. A literal is said to be grounded if the substitution obtained by unifying the arguments of each equality atom would make the literal ground. Nodes containing only a satisfiable set of equality atoms and non-grounded negative literals are said to be floundered and have no children. Other nodes have a selected literal, which is not an equality atom and must be grounded if it is negative.

If the goal in node $N$ is $L_1 \wedge \ldots L_n$ and the selected literal is $L_m$, then

Definition 10 (Observations tree)   An (SLDDNF) observations (sub)tree $O$ is a finite subset of the nodes/branches of an SLDDNF tree $S$ such that
  1. the leaves of $O$ are leaves of $S$,
  2. if $O$ has no positive successful leaves it has all positive nodes of $S$, and
  3. for each selected negative literal in $O$ there is an observations subtree of the corresponding subtree in $S$.

Definition 11 (All-observations tree)   An (SLDDNF) all-observations tree is an observations subtree of SLDDNF tree $S$ which includes all positive nodes of $S$.

A Prolog implementation can be seen as searching an SLDDNF tree (typically depth-first and left to right) for one or more successful positive nodes. When such nodes are found at the top level the equations in the node (equivalent to variable bindings) may be displayed in a suitable fashion and the search may stop. When such nodes are found within a negation the search typically stops and backtracking is initiated at the higher level (where the negation was called). Observation trees can model such behaviour. All-observations trees model computations which find all solutions and terminate. Finitely failed observations trees are all-observations trees (note that corresponding SLDDNF trees may have infinite branches inside negations). We do not explicitly model computations which flounder without succeeding or searching the entire tree. They are of limited interest, especially inside negation, though it would be easy to modify our definitions to support them. Similarly, we do not model non-depth-first computations where some branches are only partially searched.

Many implementations neglect to check that negative literals are ground (leading to unsoundness), and even those which do typically have unsound treatment of floundering within negation (this is sometimes treated poorly in the theoretical literature also). Our (novel) solution here is that selecting a negative literal which flounders does nothing to the current goal. If a different literal is selected subsequently, which would occur with a fair computation rule, failure may result; if the same literal is always selected the tree will be infinite. If $N$ was considered a positive leaf in this case instead, and an exception mechanism was invoked or some kind of abnormal termination was flagged it could be more practical, but harder to formalise.

Figure 3: Literal selection and floundering
\begin{verbatim}p :- not q.
q :- not r, not s.
r :- not t(_).

An advantage of our approach (at least in theory) is that it potentially avoids a source of incompleteness. Suppose we have a goal with two ground negated atoms, one of which flounders and the other succeeds. There is no a priori way of determining which literal should be selected. For example, in Figure , the goal $\leftarrow p$ has a successful SLDNF derivation but when the resolvent $\leftarrow \neg
r, \neg s$ is encountered the right literal must be selected to avoid floundering using the normal semantics. With our semantics we may first select $\neg r$ but that just leaves the current goal unchanged, allowing us to then select $\neg s$ (a fair computation rule would select $\neg s$ eventually; an unfair rule may result in a loop).

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