The definition given earlier can be applied when negative
literals are present. It is equivalent to defining
to be the
interpretation such that the truth value for each atom
is the truth
value of
, where
is a head clause instance in
. In the presence of negation
is generally not monotonic
with respect to
but is monotonic with respect to the information
measure and, unlike
, at least one fixpoint exists and the
-least fixpoint can be built using
For definite programs we introduced , which essentially
overestimates the set of successful atoms. This is so even when negation
is present -- a negated inadmissible atom is inadmissible and hence
assumed to succeed (the negation makes no difference). When negation
is present it is helpful to also have an operator which underestimates
this set, by assuming inadmissible clause body instances fail:
As with ,
and its fixpoints
include all those of