% some examples of higher order stuff % % It would be nice to have a better syntax for "fapply" % eg, :/2 (currently op declarations for : is a problem) % Also, : is currently used for "else". Maybe @, # or $ ? :- function fapply/2. % shorthand for function application :- op(20, yfx, @). % change precedence? F @ X == fapply(F, X). % apply function twice to arg % twice(F, X) = F : (F : X). twice(F, X) = fapply(F, fapply(F, X)). % until first arg applied to X is true % apply second arg to X % as in Miranda until(P, F, X) = ( call(P, X) ? X : until(P, F, fapply(F, X))). % round up to next power of 2 round2(N) = until(=<(N), *(2), 1). % foldr as in Miranda foldr(F, B, []) = B. foldr(F, B, H.T) = F @ H @ foldr(F, B, T). % foldl as in Miranda foldl(F, B, []) = B. foldl(F, B, H.T) = foldl(F, F @ B @ H, T). % sum of elements in a list % sum/1 is defined in test.ne sum1(X) = foldl(+, 0, X). % product of elements in a list product(X) = foldl(*, 1, X). % flatten list of lists into a list % concat/2 is defined in test.ne flatten(X) = foldr(concat, [], X). % function composition :- op(40, xfy, o). o(F, G, X) = F @ (G @ X). cons(A, As) = A.As. map_f(F, As) = foldr(cons o F, [], As).