How to think about functional programs

(aka Equational reasoning and intended semantics in functional programming)

Lee Naish, Bernard Pope and Harald Sondergaard

A major advantage of functional programming languages is that they allow for analysis and transformation based on "equational reasoning". This type of reasoning underlies, for example, the beautiful calculus for the construction of functional programs developed by the school of "squiggolers". The use of simple equational laws is very attractive, even if the presence of "undefined" values sometimes violate such laws: Danielsson et al. have shown that, in a precise sense, equational reasoning is still justified. In their words, "fast and loose reasoning is morally correct".

There are, however, circumstances where programmer intent needs to be taken into account. Programmers routinely make tacit assumptions about what may or may not happen when a program runs, making liberal use of deliberate under-specification. For example, when coding a merge function we typically assume the arguments are sorted lists. The under-specification or "don't care" status of a value is best seen as a dual to undefinedness. It can manifest itself during the use of a declarative debugging tool, for example, when a programmer is confronted with an unexpected expression such as merge called with unsorted lists, whose value is contentious.

We argue that in the context of a "programmer-intended semantics" which is usually partial, certain kinds of reasoning with equality is inappropriate and that equality should instead be replaced by a partial ordering of values taking "don't care" into account.

In our presentation we aim to explain what goes wrong with naive equational reasoning in the presence of under-specification, how it can be adapted to avoid these pitfalls, and the influence on how we think about our code and design programming environments, including tools for testing, debugging and verification.

This was presented at Compose::Melbourne, August 2016.
