Similarity to a Single Set
Lee Naish
Identifying patterns and associations in data is fundamental to
discovery in science. This work investigates a very simple but
fundamental instance
of the problem, where each data point consists of a vector of binary
For example,
each data point may correspond to a person and the attributes
may be their sex, whether they smoke cigarettes, whether they have been
diagnosed with lung cancer, etc.
Our primary application is spectral based fault localisation (SBFL), in
each point represents a test case for a computer program and the
attributes are
whether the program failed the test and whether certain parts of the
were used during the test.
Measuring similarity
of attributes in the data is equivalent to measuring similarity of
Furthermore, there is one identified "base" set
and only similarity to that set is considered---the other
sets are just ranked according to how similar they are to the base set.
For example, if the base set represents lung cancer sufferers, the set
of smokers may well be high in the ranking. In SBFL the base set
represents the
failed tests and the ranking is used to help find bugs.
Identifying set similarity or correlation has many uses and is often the
first step in determining relationship or causality.
Set similarity is also the basis for
comparing binary classifiers such as diagnostic tests for any data set.
More than a hundred set similarity measures have been proposed in the
literature but there is very little understanding of how best
to choose a similarity measure for a given domain. This work discusses
numerous properties that similarity measures can have and identifies
important forms of symmetry which have not previously been
considered. It gives alternative versions of various previously defined
properties so they are no longer incompatible,
defines ordering relations over similarity measures
and shows how some properties of a domain can be used to help choose
a similarity measure which will perform well for that domain.
binary similarity measure, set similarity, STASS, data mining,
clustering, classification, diagnostic test